Thursday, October 2, 2008

Fluffy, the Demo-Cat

Fluffy, a former Re-pig-lickin', became a Demo-Cat after McCain chose Alaska's Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate. She now wears her Obama/Biden sticker proudly.

On October 1, 2008, it was reported on MSNBC's Rachel Maddow show that the magazine, “Cat Fancy” had endorsed Senator McCain for president.

“Cancel my subscription!” cried Fluffy from her usual perch beside the window.

Fluffy, a beautiful 12-year old Angora who was rescued from a roof in Seattle in 1997 and now resides in Central Florida, is serious about her magazines. “I won’t sit on just anything,” she says.

Formerly a “Re-pig-lickin’,” Fluffy originally supported McCain, who she mistakenly thought was named, “McCan.”

“I love all cans!” she explained. “I even jump at the sound of a can opener...You never know what’s in a can. It could be beans, but, it could be tuna!”

“I’m also for off-shore fishing. The more salmon, the better. We have to lessen our dependence on foreign fish,” said Fluffy.

Fluffy had formerly admired Senator John McCain’s stands on the environment and animal rights, including his refusal to drill in the Artic National Wildlife Refuge, his acknowledgment of the human species effects on Global Warming, and interest in alternative fuels and safe nuclear energy. She now wonders if that was all talk.

“He picked one of the scariest people out there to be his Vice Presidential running mate – Sarah Palin. If she had her way, she would shoot us all,” said Fluffy.

Alaska’s Governor, Sarah Palin, has a record of animal cruelty. According to a Huffington Post article on August 31, 2008, Palin wants to decrease the bear and wolf population by shooting them from hunters flying above. Why? To increase the moose and caribou population for trophy hunters. Last year, Alaska offered a $150 bounty on each wolf killed by air. Palin also filed a lawsuit against the Bush administration over the addition of polar bears on the endangered species list and doesn’t recognize mankind’s role in global warming.

Palin, a card carrying member of the National Rifle Association, also has a reputation of having a dislike for, even being afraid of cute little fluffy cats, according to a September 10, 2008 feature in the New York Times.

“Just what we need,” said Fluffy, “Another VP with a gun.”

God, save us all!

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